Publicising the event
Try to get publicity for the meeting out to as many people and in as many ways as possible – and at the earliest opportunity.
You will need to decide on the security of your hustings depending on the platform you choose to use. You may choose to advertise an Eventbrite or sign-up link that will provide details closer to the date.
Contact all the churches in the local area, asking them to share the hustings with their congregation through their newsletters, social media or services.
If possible, get a member of each congregation to take responsibility for publicising it within their own church.
Whilst it is worth focusing on prioritising online promotion, you may wish to consider how less technologically literate members of the community will be made aware of, and can be assisted in accessing, the meeting.
Some platforms allow you to hear the audio of a meeting by calling from a telephone. You may also wish to appoint someone to ensure the event is as accessible as possible.
You could also ask local media to advertise the event. A simple document (stating What, When, Where, Who and Why) can be sent to local newspapers and radio stations, but don’t forget to notify the candidates first.
If you choose to record the event (first gaining candidates and audience permission for any recording), you could also post the video online and let people know about where to find it.