Hold a climate-focused service to explore the theological and scientific basis of creation care and action on climate, to pray, and to commit to action.
Explore below and on the Climate Sunday resources page for inspiration and worship resources to suit all church traditions.
Don’t forget to register your service so we can count you in!
Make a commitment as a local church community to taking long term action to reduce your own greenhouse gas emissions.
Join one of the existing programmes such as Eco Church or LiveSimply.
The guide below to EcoChurch has been prepared by the Diocese of Bangor of the Church in Wales
Speak up
Use your voice to tell politicians that you want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans to rebuild a strong economy.
Read and sign The Climate Coalition’s ‘The Time Is Now’ declaration both as a church and an individual.
Use the menu at the head of the page to access many more resources for Climate Sunday
What is Climate Sunday?
The Climate Sunday initiative is calling on all local churches, Christian denominations, ‘streams’ and networks to hold a climate-focused service on a convenient date from 6 September 2020. At this service congregations will be encouraged to make a short and simple commitment to greater action to address climate change in their own place of worship and community, and to raise their voice to urge bolder action by governments. A variety of service materials and other resources will be made available in advance so that churches can select what is most appropriate to their tradition and needs. Our vision is to leave a lasting legacy of thousands of UK churches better equipped to address this critical issue as part of their normal discipleship and mission; and to make a very significant contribution to civil society efforts to secure adequate national and international action at the COP26 conference to be held in Glasgow during 2021.
Who is organising Climate Sunday?
Climate Sunday is being organised by the CTBI’s Environmental Issues Network (EIN). This gathers the environmental ‘leads’ of the major denominations, some Christian orders, and the Christian environmental and relief and development agencies. Member organisations which have already given their formal backing to the initiative include CAFOD, Christian Aid, Tearfund, A Rocha, Operation Noah, Green Christian, the Church of England, the Methodist Church, Baptists Together, the United Reformed Church, The Church of Scotland, Cytûn (Churches together in Wales) and the Church in Wales.