The Sunday Schools Council was established in 1966, by 5 Welsh Christian denominations, the Union of Welsh Independents, the Baptist Union of Wales, the Presbyterian Church of Wales, the Methodist Church and the Church in Wales. It is these five denominations that continue to manage the work through a network of committees. It was set up in order to promote the work of Sunday Schools and Christian education through the medium of the Welsh language. The vision was further developed in 1992 by the establishment of the Cyhoeddiadau’r Gair, an ecumenical Christian publishing company, which publishes and promotes Welsh Christian books. The press has now published over 800 Welsh language titles and over a million books are in print. Among these are a wide range of Sunday school textbooks for all ages, coloured books for children and youth, colouring books and puzzles, Bibles in colour for all ages, prayer/devotional books and services for adults and all ages, material for kids ‘ clubs and Youth, Hymns Books, along with training manuals for children’sworkers. The Council is also part of the ‘ Roots for Churches ‘ company which publishes worship resources, and ensures that Welsh language material is available as part of its website www.rootsontheweb.com
The Council has a full-time director and a number of freelance associates, and the work programme is driven by a number of steering panels, reporting to the Executive Committee.
There are currently 3 panels in operation,
- Ministerial resource development Panel
- Mission Resource Development Panel
- Facilitating, training and promotion Panel
Among the responsibilities of the employees and the panels the Council aims to achieve the following:
To support the work of the local church by publishing a wide range of dedicated resources for Sunday school and Church, school and home, including the publication of textbooks for children and youth as part of a bespoke learning plan. A number of events are being organised across Wales to promote these resources, including holding a resource stand in collaboration with Cytun at the main national festivals in Wales, the National Eisteddfod, the Urdd Eisteddfod, and the Royal Welsh Show. We also arrange the Gee Medal awards days for the Sunday School faithful in the south and north.
The Council is working with the denominations and other Christian organisations to ensure that the churches and Sunday schools receive an update on its activity.
The Council is also trying to network and ‘ be a voice for Wales ‘ in the British Forum on Christian Children’s work namely the Children’s Ministry Network (under CTBI) and European Council for Christian Education (ECCE).
The Sunday Schools Council has 5 websites for which it currently has responsibility:
The Council’s official website, which includes information and news about our work as well as an on-line shop and digital shop to purchase books and digital resources to download.
A general website which is a source of information on everything and anything relating to Christianity in Wales.
A website containing Welsh-language Christian material to be downloaded free of charge, including Sunday School lessons for all ages, complete adult Sundays Services, prayers and reflections, films for children and adults, PowerPoint presentations for use in lessons and services, devotional material for each day of the year, Services for schools and children’s addresses for adults or school acts of worship.
A website containing the text of the contemporary Bible beibl.net together with many other associated resources.
A website featuring over a thousand contemporary Christian hymns and songs in the form of words only and as Powerpoint files that can be downloaded free of charge.
Aled Davies, the director, can be contacted on 01766 819120 or aled@ysgolsul.com