Confessing our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and renewing our will to serve his mission in the world, our several churches have been brought into a new relationship with one another.

Together we give thanks for all we have in common.

Together we repent the sin of perpetuating our division.

Together we make known our understanding of the obedience to which we are called.


a. We recognise in one another the same faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ found in Holy Scripture, which the creeds of the ancient Church and other historic confessions are intended to safeguard. We recognise in one another the same desire to hold this faith in all its fullness.

b. We intend so to act, speak and serve together in obedience to the gospel that we may learn more of its fullness and make it known to others in contemporary terms and by credible witness.


a. We recognise in one another the same awareness of God’s calling to serve his gracious purpose for all mankind, with particular responsibility for this land and people.

b. We intend to work together for justice and peace at home and abroad, and for the spiritual and material well-being and personal freedom of all people.


a. We recognise one another as within the one Church of Jesus Christ, pledged to serve His Kingdom, and sharing in the unity of the Spirit.

b. We intend by the help of the same Spirit to overcome the divisions which impair our witness, impede God’s mission, and obscure the gospel of man’s salvation, and to manifest that unity, which is in accordance with Christ’s will.


a. We recognise the members of all our churches as members of Christ in virtue of their common baptism and common calling to participate in the ministry of the whole Church.

b. We intend to seek that form of common life which will enable each member to use the gifts bestowed upon him in the service of Christ’s Kingdom.


a. We recognise the ordained ministries of all our churches as true ministries of the word and sacraments, through which God’s love is proclaimed, his grace mediated, and his Fatherly care exercised.

b. We intend to seek an agreed pattern of ordained ministry which will serve the gospel in unity, manifest its continuity throughout the ages, and be accepted as far as may be by the Church throughout the world.


a. We recognise in one another patterns of worship and sacramental life, marks of holiness and zeal, which are manifestly gifts of Christ.

b. We intend to listen to one another and to study together the witness and practice of our various traditions, in order that the riches entrusted to us in separation may be preserved for the united Church which we seek.


a. We recognise in one another the same concern for the good government of the Church for the fulfilment of its mission.

b. We intend to seek a mode of Church government which will preserve the positive values for which each has stood, so that the common mind of the Church may be formed and carried into action through constitutional organs of corporate decision at every level of responsibility.

We do not yet know the form union will take.

We approach our task with openness to the Spirit.

We believe that God will guide his Church into ways of truth and peace, correcting, strengthening and renewing it in accordance with the mind of Christ.

We therefore urge all our members to accept one another in the Holy Spirit as Jesus Christ accepts us, and to avail themselves of every opportunity to grow together through common prayer and worship in mutual understanding and love so that in every place they may be renewed together for mission.

Accordingly we enter now into this solemn Covenant before God and with one another, to work and pray in common obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, in order that by the Holy Spirit we may be brought into one visible Church to serve together in mission to the glory of God the Father.

The Committee of the Covenanted Baptist Churches in Wales

The Church in Wales

The Methodist Church

The Presbyterian Church of Wales

The United Reformed Church