Cytûn’s “Welcome to Wales” course, taking place this year between 4 and 6 October 2023 at Sports Council for Wales, Sophie Gardens, Cardiff lays the foundations for Ministers of Religion and Christian workers who are transferring into Wales from other parts of the UK or further afield.
This is a residential training course and has as its learning objectives, the introduction of the ecumenical context of Wales, the political scene in Wales, contemporary and historical cultural context, the place of the Welsh language, the religious history of Wales, spirituality in Wales and interfaith work in Wales and an understanding of the work of Cytun : Churches Together in Wales and it’s work.
During the 48 hours or so of the course – spread over three days – participants will hear a series of speakers, but they will also have an opportunity to undertake guided visits to the National Museum of History, St Fagan, and the Senedd building in Cardiff Bay as well as being introduced to Welsh contemporary music in the form of Ynyr Roberts from the popular and award winning duo, Brigyn (more information on Brigyn).
Speaking today, the course organiser, Sasha Perriam of Cytûn said:
“This course has been running for many years and has become increasingly popular – with close to 30 participants attending in 2022.
It lays the foundations for ministers of religion, priests and church workers who are moving to Wales to begin work and helps them understand the context of Wales, as well as of course meeting other individuals in a similar situation to themselves.
“With the course becoming increasingly popular, places are at a premium, for both residential and non-residential participants, so if you’re aware of colleagues who might benefit from this course, then now is the time to point them in our direction”.
The closing date for applications is the end of August 2023. Participants can be accommodated at Chwaraeon Cymru – Sports Wales’ centre at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, or attend daily if they live locally.
Anyone who would like further information and costings are asked to email
END 13 June 2023.